Monday, December 17, 2007

Menstrual Hormonal Control

What is a hormone?Chemicals that are produced in one part of the body and used in another.

What system is responsible for the production of hormones?The Endocrine System

Sketch a picture of the female reproductive system. Include the oviduct, ovaries, uterus, cervix and vagina.

Where does the embryo undergo most of its development?Uterus

What is another name for the fallopian tube?oviduct

Where does fertilization take place?oviduct, (or fallopian tubes)What is ovulation?Changes that occur to the ovaries during the menstrual cycle

What is the follicle converted to?A Corpus Luteum

What happens during the flow phase?Hormone production stops. Uterus lining sloughs off.

What happens during the follicular phase?Follicle gets bigger and produces a hormone which makes uterus lining thicker.

What happens during the luteal phase?Follicle is converted into a corpus luteum. This makes the uterus thicken more.

What happens to the uterine lining during the first phase?It sloughs

What are the four hormones that control the menstrual cycle?LH, FSH, Progestrerone, Estrogen

As FSH increases in concentration in the blood , the follicle is?Developing

When the follicle ruptures it releases what?Ova

What is considered the hormone of pregnancy?Progesterone

What is the rhythm method?Birth control in which you you try to anticipate the days of the ovulation

What do you call a couple using the rhythm method? don't kno

What is menopause? What causes it?The cessation of menstruation, The cessation of Lh.

When does fertilization occur?When the sperm and the ova combine in the oviducts

When is a zygote formed?When the sperm and the ova combine.

What is a placenta?It transfers material between the embyro and uterus
Organization of the Human Body Worksheet

1. Anatomy and Physiology - Anatomy - is the study of body structures, Physiology - is the study of the functions of those structures.

2. Please organize the following structures in order from smallest to largest: system, tissue, organ, and cellSmallest- Cell, Tissue, Organ System- Largest

3. In the term physiology the suffix -logy means what?Study

4. What is the type of membrane that lines all of the passages leading the exterior?Mucous

5. What do you call a mass of cells that all perform the same function?Tissue

6. What type of tissue is specialized for the conduction of nerve impulsesNerve

7. The term epidermis contains a prefix and a root term. What is the root in this word and what does it mean? What is the prefix in this word and what does it mean?Root – Derm. It means skin. Prefix – Epi. Which means above.

8. The term cavity appears frequently in this lesson. What does it mean A hole or hollow area

9. Name the four main types of tissue and describe their function. Epithelial - covers entire surface of body. Connective – supports and protects. Muscle – specialized for contraction. Nerve – specialized for the conduction of neural impulse.

10. A cell is made of cytoplasm except for the nucleus, which is made of protoplasm

11. What type of membrane lines joint cavities and outer surfaces of bones? Fibrous.

12. What is an organ system? A group of organs that perform a major body function

13. Name the five types of membranes and where each is located.Cutaneous – Skin all over body. Epidermis – Outermost layer over body. Mucous – along passage ways that lead to exterior of body. Fibrous – Lines all joint cavities. Serous – lines Closed cavities (lungs)

14. What is the function of the cell membrane? The nucleus? It protects the nucleus. Controls growth, repair, and reproduction.

15. The Cutaneous membrane is made of two distinct layers. Name each of these layers and describe what they are made of. Epidermis - composed of many layers of cells. Dermis – composed mainly of connective tissue and microscopic organs
Drills On Diction Worksheet

Root - Term- Definition- Sentence

adip –adipose - Relating to fat. - Body fat is less commonly known as adipose tissue.

bio – biology : the study of life - I took biology when I was in the 10th grade.

capit - decapitate- To behead. - There were many devices used in medieval time to decapitate criminals.

cephal – cephalad – towards the head- If you stand on your head, the blood will flow cephalad.

Corp –body – corpse –towards the head- There were many corpses in the dungeoun.

crani –cranium—the part of the skul that encloses the brain- The long fall cracked his cranium.

dent –dental- relating to or used to the teeth- He needed several dental procedures.

hist –history- the branch of knowledge that records and researches past events – Some believe you must understand your history before you can understand your future.

later – lateral - to the side – The quarterback escaped the tackle by passing the ball laterally.

ocul –oculist- relating to the eye- The oculist considered becoming an optometrist.

oste – osteoblast – a bone forming cell – People would not have bones if they lacked osteoblast.

phag –phagocyte- a cell that eats bacteria – Phagocyte is a cell of the immune sysempleur –

pluera- membrane lining the lung and chest cavity – The shot damaged his pluera.

quad – quadriceps - a large four-part muscle at the front of the thigh that facilitates leg extension- He did squats to strengthen his quadriceps.

stern –sternum- the breast bone – The bone in the middle of your chest is called the sternum.

ab –abduct- movement of any extremity away from the midline of the body- To pass the ball the quarterback used abduction.

ad –adrenaline- A hormone and neurotransmitter - Adrenaline can affect how you think.

angi - angiography- A procedure to x-ray blood vessels – The Hiv patient needed a angiograph.

auto – autograft - surgical transplantation of any tissue from one part of the body to another location on the same individual – The doctor signed his name on the patient rather than
autograft his skin.

centi –centimeter - A metric unit of measurement for length. – The carpenters measurement was off by 4 centimeters.

dextro –dextrad- to the right – He adjusted his throw to the left to correct his dextrad precision.

epi –epidemic- An outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely – Small pox was the epidemic that killed the majority of native americans.

ex - excision – removal by surgery – Nephrectomy is the removal of the kidney by excision.

inter – interrenal - Between the kidneys – The painful internal wound was interrenal.

non - not capable of living or developing successfully – The doctor was relunctant to tell the patient they were nonviable.

ortho - orthopedic- having to do with the bones. – The patient underwent orthopedic surgery.

path -pathology- The study of disease – Pathology is becoming a mandatory class.

pseudo –pseudopod- A transient protrusion or retractile process associated with cell movement and feeding.- The eukaryote cell became a pseudopod.

sinistro –sinistrad – After the quarterback fixed his dextrad throw he began to throw sinistrally.

cide –aborticide-the act of destroying a fetus – The doctor asked the patient was she sure she wanted to proceed with aborticide.

itis –hepatitis- Inflammation of the liver – It’s not a secret that Pamela Anderson has hepatitis.

logy –histology - The study of tissues and cells under a microscope. – The school placed new orders for microscopes for its histology class.

meter – pedometer- a device for measuring to distance walked – Whenever he jogged he brought his pedometer.

plasty – osteoplasty - plastic surgery of the bones. – The patient was put to sleep at the beginning of her osteoplasty.

Scope – otoscope - A small, lighted viewing instrument for the ear. – The doctor looked into her ear with his otoscope.
Questions in Text (Integumentary)
Critical thinking 3,6,8

As a rule a superficial partial-thickness burn is more painful than one involving deeper tissues. How would you explain the observations?one that burns deeper would destroy nerves so you would not feel the pain, not noticing how bad you are burnt.

How would you explain to an athlete the importance of keeping the body hydrated when exercising in warm weather?I would tell them that the body needs water to operate properly and in extreme heat situations it is much easier to dehydrate if you don’t drink plenty of water.

How is skin peeling after a severe sunburn protective. How might a fever be protective.Skin peeling over a sunburn might protect it from infection, and a fever might be protective because it indicates that there is an infection, and that things in your immune system are working to fight a problem.

Review Exercises 4,5,6,8,13,15,16,22,25,27,28,29
List six functions of skinvital in maintaining homeostasis,protective coveringretards water loss by diffusionhelpos regulate body temperaturehouses sensory receptors contains immune system cellssynthesizes various chemicalsexretes small quantities of waste.

List the two layers of the epidermisthe two layers are the dermis and hypodermis.Describe the function of melanocytes:They produce melanin which provides skin color.

Distinguish between a hair and a hair follicle. Hair develops from hair follicles, which are at the base of a tube-like depression.

Describe how nails are formed. Nails are formed by epithelium that divide.

Explain the function of Sebaceous glands. They produce fatty material which mixes with cerbum and makes skin soft.

Describe the body’s response to decreasing body temperature. When the body system drops below normal the nervous system signals dermal blood vessels to constrict and sweat glands to remain inactive. This conserves body heat. If temperature continues to drop nervous system signals muscles to contract involuntarily which generates body heat.

Describe three physiological factors that affect skin color. Blood in dermal vessels add color to the skin.could be well oxygenated producing a pinkish effect.or in a low concentration of blood oxygen it would appear blue.The state of the blood vessels also affect skin color.Also carotene, found in yellow vegetables, might change your skin a yellowish color if you eat too much of it.

Distinguish among first, second, and third degree burns. A first degree burn only burns the epidermis. A second degree burn is one that burns some epidermis as well as some underlying dermisa third degree burn destroys the epidermis, dermis and the accessory organs of the skin.

List three effects of aging skin. The dermis becomes wrinkled. Slow melanin production causes hair to become gray or white.Ability to control temperature falters as number of skin falls. Also ability to shiver declines.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Review Exercises

1. List the general functions of the male reproductive system. Produce and maintain the male sex cellls, to transport these cells to the female reproductive tract, and to secrete male sex hormones.

7. Outline the process of meiosis. Two divisions; First and Second Meiotic Divisions. The first meiotic division seperates homologous chromosome pairs. Each is replicated and consists of chromatids. Each cells that undergo the second meiotic division emerges with one member of each homogous pair, a condition termed haploid.

8. List two ways that meiosis provides genetic variability.

10. Describe a sperm cell. A mature sperm cells is a tiny, tadpole-shaped structure about .06 millimeters long.

11. Describe the epidiymis, and explain its function. A tightly coiled, thredlike tube about 6 meters long. It connects the seminiferous tubules of the testes to the vas deferens.

20. Explain the mechanism that produces an erection of the penis. The spinal cord releases the vasodilator nitric oxide, which causes the arteries leading to the penis to dialate, increasing blood flow into erectile tissues. Consequently, blood accumalates in the erectile tissues, and the penis swells and elongates, producing an erection.

29. List the general functions of the female reproductive system. To produce and maintain the female sex cells, transport these cells to the site of fertalization, to provide a favorable environment for a developing offspring, to move offspring to the outside, and to produce female sex hormones.