Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Review Exercises

1. List the general functions of the male reproductive system. Produce and maintain the male sex cellls, to transport these cells to the female reproductive tract, and to secrete male sex hormones.

7. Outline the process of meiosis. Two divisions; First and Second Meiotic Divisions. The first meiotic division seperates homologous chromosome pairs. Each is replicated and consists of chromatids. Each cells that undergo the second meiotic division emerges with one member of each homogous pair, a condition termed haploid.

8. List two ways that meiosis provides genetic variability.

10. Describe a sperm cell. A mature sperm cells is a tiny, tadpole-shaped structure about .06 millimeters long.

11. Describe the epidiymis, and explain its function. A tightly coiled, thredlike tube about 6 meters long. It connects the seminiferous tubules of the testes to the vas deferens.

20. Explain the mechanism that produces an erection of the penis. The spinal cord releases the vasodilator nitric oxide, which causes the arteries leading to the penis to dialate, increasing blood flow into erectile tissues. Consequently, blood accumalates in the erectile tissues, and the penis swells and elongates, producing an erection.

29. List the general functions of the female reproductive system. To produce and maintain the female sex cells, transport these cells to the site of fertalization, to provide a favorable environment for a developing offspring, to move offspring to the outside, and to produce female sex hormones.