Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Joint Anatomy Worksheet

Why is there little to no movement in a fibrous joint? Because the bones making up the joint are united with strong fibrous tissue.
What is an example of a fibrous joint? The bones that hold your skull together.
Describe a cartilaginous joint and give an example. When two bones are united by intervening fibrocatilage.(vertebral column)
What type of joint essentially allows free movement? Synovial joints
What lubricates a joint cavity? cartilage
For the following joint types please list the name of the joint type, the type of movement of the joint, the shape of the joint and an example.
Plane joint – gliding or slipping, slightly curved surfaces, the wrist.
Hinge joint – rotation, irregular cylinder and/or concave groove, elbow joint.
Condylar joint – rotation and more, condyles, knee joint.
Ball and Socket joint – variety of directions, spherical articulation and cup-shaped cavity, shoulder joint.
Ellipsoidal joint – same as ball-in-socket except oval circumference, moves in various directions, wrist joint
Pivot joint – rotates(pivot), bony peg and concave notch, radius and ulna.
Saddle joint – varions directions, resembles two western saddles, bottom of the thumb.